Brake Actuators
Brake Actuators for Hydraulic, Disc & Drum Brakes
When you are towing a lot of heavy cargo, you need high-quality brakes to ensure your safety. When you are towing several tons of equipment and have to stop quickly, you need brakes that can stand up to the weight and the pressure. Brake actuators are what help your brakes perform at the level you need when you are towing, as they increase their capacity each time the brakes are applied. Therefore, the more times you hit the brakes, the harder they will work. Shadow trailer and truck parts offers a complete line of brake actuators and accessories to give you the parts you need to increase your safety on the road. Popular brand names include Atwood, Titan, Dexter and UFP. Accessories include master cylinders, shocks, and replacement parts. We also carry different kinds of actuators, including hydraulic surge actuators and electric over hydraulic brake actuators.What's Hot
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