Pulling a trailer behind your car requires a little knowledge. You have to know what kind of material was used to construct your trailer. The difference is massive, but many people prefer one or the other, fiberglass or aluminum, just based off of a number of factors that matter in different ways to depending on the use and the person.

Fiberglass trailers are popular and is used to make all types of RVs and campers. Fiberglass is lightweight, easy to use, and aero dynamic. It also happens to stay warm during colder temperatures as well. The problem is that if you don’t care for it properly it will crack and keep the interior of the trailer from breathing. It expands, contracts, and causes problems when not cared for.

For lightweight choices, though, fiberglass cannot be beat, especially in clam shell style models. They might not allow the contents to breathe, but they will not tax your car or truck any more than necessary. They are also generally not capable of carrying certain gear, although the weight will depend on use.

For those reasons, aluminum trailers are the most common and are made to last through even the roughest conditions. They are almost as aero dynamic and move much easier than fiberglass models. Storage racks, temperature consistency, and ruggedness all make this a much better choice.

Aluminum trailers will be heavier, though, which can be a problem. If it isn’t a problem, however, there is no reason that you can’t benefit from this kind of rugged construction that won’t break down in extreme weather or in the worst of conditions. Light weight aluminum trailers can carry hundreds of pounds of gear for a low price and remain convenient in their variety of applications, especially when compared to the fiberglass models that exist in similar weight and price ranges.

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