The Importance of Regular Maintenance for Your Trailer Tires
Posted by Shadow Trailers on 2/18/2014 to
Boat Trailer Parts
Your trailer's ability to perform its function relies entirely on the health of its tires. Poor tire condition impedes your trailer's ability to haul things, and it also creates a dangerous situation. To prevent dangerous situations and improve the performance of your trailer, it is critical that you perform regular tire maintenance.
Winter Maintenance Tips for Your Trailer
Posted by Shadow Trailers on 2/13/2014 to
Properly taken care of, your trailer ought to last you for years, if not decades. However, this proper care requires regular and appropriate maintenance, particularly during certain times of the year when your trailer is at more risk. To prolong the life of your trailer, follow a few maintenance tips as the winter months approach.
What You Need to Know about Maintaining Your Boat Trailer’s Tires
Posted by Shadow Trailers on 2/11/2014 to
Boat Trailer Parts
If you have a boat and a trailer to take it out to the lake on a warm summer’s day, you’re probably more excited about using the boat than the trailer when you’re making your plans. However, if something goes wrong with your trailer and, specifically, its tires, you will suddenly be more concerned about your trailer than your boat. Here are a few ways to keep your boat trailer’s tires in prime condition so you can stay focused on your boat.
The Best Ball Mount Styles for Your Trailer
Posted by Shadow Trailers on 2/7/2014 to
Trailer Parts Specials
Choosing the best ball mount, or trailer hitch, for your trailer is critical. Different mounts are used in different types of vehicles. The tow pin and jaw mount is more suited to very large vehicles while the pintle mount is used almost exclusively in the military. The ball mount is the preferred tow hitch of trailers because it allows for movement and swivel.